Why you need to check out the Live LIGHT Pathway TODAY
The Live LIGHT Pathway helps you move from busyness to blessings, from frustration to fulfillment and from miracles done TO you to miracles done THROUGH you. This link - http://revtrev.link/pathway has the best price you'll ever see for this course and community Watch Why you need to check out the Live LIGHT Pathway during Black Friday! Welcome to the Live LIGHT Pathway! It is so great to have you considering to join us. You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take His yoke that is easy and burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living light. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace and joy at all times and in every situation. The Problem we all Face We’ve got a problem having peace and joy at all times and in every situation. In fact, I think we have three main ...