Want an amazing Gratitude Journal? Let me send you mine.

A gratitude journal can be life transformative. This first edition of the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal is hot off the presses. I’ll cover the shipping cost for one special person. Learn how to enter below.

Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal

The Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal is designed to help you grow in gratitude and happiness. 70 days of morning and evening reflections will prompt you to feel and act with gratitude. With Holy Spirit's help you'll see Him empower you to accomplish every good work prompted by faith. The Mood Tracker will help you see what's going on with you. The Checkpoint and Milestone will help you see your growth. Use this tool to help live happier and grow in gratitude  - you and every one in your every day world will be glad you did. 

Inside the printed versions you get a coupon for 100% off the Live LIGHT Happier Course that explains why the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal works. So if you win this Journal you have a surprise bonus of the course included for free.

How to enter to win your copy of the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal

Enter for the chance to win http://revtrev.link/GIVEAWAY The Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal is designed to help you grow in gratitude and happiness by choosing to wholeheartedly be grateful.

Learn more and enter at http://revtrev.link/GIVEAWAY


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