Live LIGHT Loop for Thursday May 19, 2022

The Live LIGHT LOOP celebrates all things Live LIGHT - including the books, and courses, and resources, and community and coaching that can be found on

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Live LIGHT Loop

The Live LIGHT Loop this week

Did you know?

“Live LIGHT - Don’t have time to be busy” Is still available for an ARC. Request your copy by following the link at


Be part of Live LIGHT Pathway and get access to ALL the Courses and Resources AND Community Here’s what’s new this week.

Private Podcast

PRAISE God with your Whole Heart - Here’s a tool to help you PRAISE God with your Whole Heart. Join the community

Conversation Cafe

How can a Christian be depressed? In conversation with Cheryl Shea once again we talk about Christians being depressed. Join the community

Don’t Miss - Most downloaded Podcast this week…

Watch, Listen or Read the full message “Are you praising God with your Whole Heart?”

What you need to know

Become an affiliate of Live LIGHT Academy and get 30% of every purchase you send our way. Sign up today

Can I pray for you?

Carpe Vitae - Live LIGHT

Check out the courses, and resources and community and coaching available at and don’t miss your chance at the Live LIGHT Pathway -


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