I appreciate the gratitude of others

Discover how important it is to appreciate the gratitude other’s show. Learn how it fosters connection and strengthens relationships, enhancing overall well-being.

Trevor Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at https://livelight.ca/ and the Creative Storyteller at https://revtrev.com He helps you give thanks with your whole heart https://revtrev.link/heart Check out https://revtrev.com/tv for past videos and live casts and https://revtrev.com/radio to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen. Sign up for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge at https://revtrev.link/thanks

appreciating gratitude

I appreciate the gratitude of others

“And he took a cup of wine and gave thanks to God for it. He gave it to them, and they all drank from it.” - Mark 14:23 (GW)

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Creator made me for good and called it very good. He is good and I want to do good knowing people see my good works and glorify my Father in heaven. I know I am in the world to make a positive impact on others, and I appreciate when others recognize it. Because He sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous, I do good to all people.

As people go through the motions of life, saying ‘thanks’ is a gesture that is often taken for granted–with little thought being given to it. But I am still happy to hear it because I know deep down it is being expressed by someone that I somehow connected with.

I appreciate the gratitude of others.

When someone tells me how thankful they are, I don’t downplay it with “no problem” or “no worries” or “it wasn’t anything”. Instead, I appreciate the gratitude they show it with a heartfelt, “You are welcome!” When someone asks me for the reason for the hope I have, I am ready to tell it by doing it with gentleness and respect. In my heart, I have set apart Christ as Lord.

When my kids or grandkids say ‘thanks’ for a gift or for the time we spend together, I know it is something they truly appreciate. It lets me know that what I did warms their hearts and shows them I really love them.

Today, I embrace the positive feeling of being appreciated. Even when others forget to express their appreciation for my positive gestures, I know that I’ve done it as unto the Lord. I will not become weary in doing good, for at the right time, I will receive a harvest if I do not give up. So I do good to all people.

Reflection Questions to ask Holy Spirit:

  1. How often do I say thank-you to others?
  2. Can I feel the gratitude of others even if they don’t thank me?
  3. Do people see my hope when I continue to show my appreciation and gratitude?

Next Steps

Unlock a happier you with our FREE 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Course—transform your mindset at your own pace! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Align your thoughts with God’s thoughts for you. Discover profound insights with our 70-Day Gratitude Challenge book, ebook, and audiobook—your wonderful guide to cultivating appreciation and joy! Learn more - https://revtrev.link/thanks

Enhance your journey with the Live LIGHT 70-Day Gratitude Challenge Journal, the perfect companion for the 70-Day Gratitude Challenge to inspire daily reflections and growth! https://revtrev.link/thanks

Don’t Forget to Give Thanks with Your Whole Heart

The Live LIGHT 70 Day Gratitude Challenge

Every day for 70 days …
Choose to give thanks – Decision
Feel grateful for what you give thanks for – Emotions
Show appreciation for what you feel gratitude for – Action
Learn to give thanks with your whole heart Check out the Live LIGHT with your Whole Heart course today - https://revtrev.link/heart

appreciating gratitude


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